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Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain


Mr. Bala Kishore

Vice president Transformation

SEARCE Software, India

Bala Kishore has an accomplished career in IT, Spanning more than two decades. With a certificate in Business Administration from Manchester Business School (UK), Bala also wears the much coveted mantle of a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coaching Federation. Bala is an avid meditate and has been practising Raja Yoga Meditation for the past 25 years. His desire to share its principles of applied spirituality with the IT community at large led him to co-found the SPIR-IT Summit Wellness conference, to organise several Spirituality in IT retreats, and to five talks and conduct meditation retreats for students, teachers, doctors, other professionals and senior executives in 15 countries.


  • Human body is biologically endowed with all the necessary infra-structure to help us GROW mentally & spiritually.

  • What we pay attention to and how we pay attention, determines the content and quality of life.

  • Genes are turned ON or OFF like a rheostat.

  • Majority of Genes governed by beliefs and lifestyle choices.

  • Genes change – what we Think, what we Eat, what we Do have their impact

Brain Fitness Techniques

  • Positive Self-talk strengthens brain

  • Exercise regularly

  • Eat Nutritious food and sleep properly

  • Engage in meaningful and productive work

  • Read empowering literature

  • Meditate daily

You create the brain from the input you give..


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